Monday, May 12, 2014

Marshmallow Root - Herbal Spotlight

It wasn't until I started studying Naturopathic Medicine that I realized Marshmallow was 
actually a plant, and not just the white fluffy thing we sandwich between
 two graham crackers when we go camping! The root of the Marshmallow plant 
(otherwise known as Althaea officinalis - stemming from the Greek root which means 'to heal') 
is what we use for medicinal purposes, and you find this ingredient showing up in many skin salves and balms as well as various cough syrups and lozenges. 
Marshmallow root holds many wonderful healing properties within it's barky interior. 
For you botany buffs, marshmallow root is known as a 'demulcent' herb which contains starch, mucilage, pectin, flavonoids and phenolic acid. 
Although the leaves can be eaten, it is the root that is used in cosmetics for it's skin softening ability, and in lozenges for soothing an irritated throat 
(from its mucilage, which forms a slippery barrier on the skin/mucosa).
When I was re-formulating our Skin-Saver (now Healing Balm) I knew I wanted to include Marshmallow root into the formula to create a better barrier, a satiny-slippery texture and create a balm that protects and heals irritated skin.
 I am really pleased with the end-result. Just last week I had the chance to use our new 
Healing Balm on my daughters heat rash, and even I was amazed that 
just overnight her hot swollen bum was remarkably improved. 
She now specifically asks for it, insisting I apply it before she gets in her jammies! 
I love this sort of feedback from a child!
I have also included marshmallow root (but in powder form) into our new Baby Powder. 
I find that the addition of marshmallow roots allows the powder to create a sort of slippery barrier as it absorbs moisture - nothing gooey or slimy, just a satiny feel to the skin. 
It's this barrier that also imparts the soothing and healing properties of this plant into the powder.
I hope that you are as excited as I am about this amazing plant, and that you look for it the next time your skin (or throat, or gut) need a little TLC!

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